starscepheus they go like the last light of the sun.

Then I wrote often to the sea


  • 01/08/24: - Divided the Readings section into categories and added a new section - The Symposium.
  • 24/07/24: - Gave the site exits page a facelift, organised and added tonnes more new cool links. :)
  • 16/07/24: - Working on some accessibility updates (implementing semantic tags around the site for screenreaders).
  • 11/07/24: - Slight edit to the homepage background to bring it more in line with the aesthetic of the rest of the site. Some performance improvements made to web profile.
  • 10/07/24: - Added a new 88x31px link button for my site :)
  • 03/07/24: - New poem - Patchouli.
  • 30/06/24: - The revamped portfolio section is finally live, with a few new poems added too :)
  • 28/06/24: - New guestbook! Hopefully gonna start work on my planned site updates shortly.
  • 25/11/23: - Fixed some issues with how the main page & profile section looked in firefox x
  • 22/11/23: - I'm starting to formulate some plans for stuff I want to change up so stay tuned! Thanks to everyone who has visited so far x
  • 27/09/23: - I promise I'm alive!! I've been really busy with moving and starting a new job and various other projects but I do intend to blog properly & fix up/add some content here soon x
  • 23/10/22: - Cancelled the paid "supporter" package with my host for the time being. should start to redirect here.
  • 06/06/22: - Adjusted some fonts for better readability, added some articles to the vault, a new blog entry and some more resource links.
  • 04/06/22: - Added widget.
  • 29/05/22: - New portfolio section, 'the vault'.
  • 28/05/22: - Changed guestbook script to improve stability.
  • 26/05/22: - New blog post.
  • 22/05/22: - 1x new collage added.
  • 20/05/22: - New splash page! It's a WIP so bare with x
  • 08/04/22: - Refreshed & tweaked guestbook. Updated blog signature.
  • 05/04/22: - New profile section live (still a WIP). Working on updating site credits.
  • 29/03/22: - 70+ backgrounds added to archive.
  • 25/03/22: - Accepting site affies/blogroll connections x
  • 21/03/22: - Removed old homepage so everything links back to my blog (trying to simplify the site a bit).
  • 16/03/22: - Added blogroll/affiliate link section. Let me know if you want to swap links x
  • 13/03/22: - Moved blog posts from blogspot to neocities.
  • 05/03/22: - Changed splash page - portfolio now accessed via right-hand links.
  • 13/02/22: - New blog post.
  • 11/02/22: - Moved some pages from the folio section to Stars.
  • 08/02/22: - New content: 'web skins' & 'web materials'.
  • 05/02/22: - Uploaded some creative works & more education links. New blog post added!
  • 01/01/22: - Added gifts section to 'www.', added button link rotation. Initial site layout complete.
  • 11/12/21: - Completed skeleton of site pages, added feature image to 'inspiration'.
  • 05/12/21: - Updated site domain.
  • 04/12/21: - Added 'readings' section - if you want me to add your zine, let me know.
  • 29/11/21: - Fixed some wonky CSS & added some placeholder pages.
  • 28/11/21: - Added embellishments to CSS, changed splash page to show both sites.


24/07/24 18:15 focused
overcast 19*c portishead
grey tee NC gum
water bedroom no one