
Posted at 11:40. (Comments)

It's been a while. Over a year to be exact! So much has been going on in my offline life, which has meant little to no time for my website, despite there being some significant updates required.

I'll start with last year. Around 18 months ago I made the decision to move back to my hometown, due to a variety of changes in my personal life. I left my job, got a new one, then a second new one (I now have two jobs) and am also starting a master's degree this Autumn!

It's been a bit of a whirlwind. I've had medication changes, more medication changes - plus a couple of further medication changes. I've made lots of new friends and joined a new group (which has been lovely), as well as trying to develop new hobbies and interests. This Summer I went to Primavera Festival in Barcelona, which was incredible (such a well-organised festival - supreme vibes all around). I got to see old favourites like Vampire Weekend (which made me emotional af), Lana Del Rey, Pulp and Charli XCX. We even managed to get into an exclusive album launch party for one of my favourite producers!

I also hired a PT and have been getting really into the gym - it's been nice to have something regular to do that also makes me exercise. Having someone to keep me aligned to goals with workouts and nutrition has been really nice (I have too much ADHD to do it alone - I need a sense of guilt to do anything lol).

I've been trying to write a bit more (to varying degrees of success). I've been posting some more poetry and working on more, and I did have an idea for a short novel (although this has been stalled for a while). I've also been writing longer form posts about ADHD, which I'm hoping will come in handy when I start my MA, which is in Journalism.

In terms of the site, I've just finished working on the new portfolio section, which means that pretty much every area has now been given the '2.0' update. With that in mind, I'm not planning any more major design updates for the foreseeable future, instead focusing on bug fixes, minor accessibility improvements and posting more actual visitor content & writing. Plus more blog posts!

Thanks to everyone who has continued to visit my site during my little hiatus. Hopefully you'll enjoy the new content and keep leaving messages/exchanging links. 365 PARTYGIRL out x

  • What is your dream gig/concert?
  • Do you like my new portfolio section?
  • What's your favourite current fashion trend?

posted by cepheus

Labels: life, website.

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