

I designed the site in its current form after feeling really nostalgic for mid-late 2000s websites, where the main focus was life updates, making cool edits/graphics and having lots of online pals. I also keep forgetting to write long form blog posts, whereas smaller format posts are a lot easier for me. I often miss the process of making blog layouts, sharing creations and having a less 90s style site (i still love those, though!). This style was big when I first got into blogging/coding and photoshop, so it also feels more natural for me to tend towards so I find myself having more cohesive ideas about what to create.

site stats

  • Site Name: Cepheus
  • URL: cepheus.neocities.org
  • Categories: personal; portfolio; blog.
  • Site Version: 2.0 - 'Stars'
  • Homepage layout featuring: Roses; model with skeletal face; quotes from this poem.
  • Programmes Used: GIMP 2.10; Affinity Photo; Affinity Designer 2.
  • Best Viewed: desktop PC/Mac or laptop, via Google Chrome or other webkit browsers, with display scaling set to 100%


Homepage Credits:

gift box

Gifts generously donated to me by other webmasters x

artwork gift to celebrate Chase achieving 1000 hits on their site Category: Artwork
Gifted by: Chase
Date Received: Autumn 2023
pixel gift from foxfable.fun Category: Pixels
Gifted by: Aisha
Date Received: Christmas 2021
Stuck in frames?