jupiter theme
This is Jupiter, a free HTML/CSS theme for your blog or website! It can be pasted directly onto a HTML page or adapted for blog sites like blogger (using classic templates) or even a wordpress website if you're familiar with the codes.
Please feel free to use this theme and edit it to your liking! All I ask is that you leave the credits list up (not just for my own sake but due to the use of resources in this theme). Please save and re-upload all image files to your own server. If you have any questions about the theme or coding, please give me a shout in my guestbook or message me on neocities. I've tried to keep this theme as basic as possible (other than the header) so that it's fairly easy to customise even if you're not too familiar with coding!
This theme is designed to work well at different resolutions. It is also suitable for mobile browsing! You can download the theme by clicking here. Happy coding x
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