you wake from a deep slumber. without opening your eyes, you notice the sand beneath your body. seawater washes over your socks. breathing in, you smell apples, neroli and ocean salt. the sounds of gentle waves and distant gulls prompt you to open your eyes. you stare up at the vast pink sky, the light of yellow clouds like custard. looking around, you take in your new environment...

my island
other written pieces
- The vault An archive of long-form posts & articles
e-shrines (under construction)
- Bad Wolf Bay
- Concrete Rebellion
- fallingdewdrops;
A late-2000s style shrine to the RTD era of Doctor Who (& Torchwood)
A tribute to brutalist architecture and my love for the style. (under construction)
A shrine to all of the piczo, webs & subdomain graphics sites I and many others used to make. Expect cringeworthy 'blog' posts and bad (awesome) CSS
poems are arranged chronologically (based on date posted) - scroll this box to view more
- Patchouli
- Journey west
- Break
- Clickclick
- Aireside
- Trees bloomed pink in the end of days
- Pollen
- Brillo's bathtime
- 0113
- Ficus benjamina
- Social Distancing
- Adventures in soft violet
- Tallulah
- Wrapped up/Bedroom poem
[July 2024]
[June 2024]
[August 2023]
[May 2023]
[June 2022]
[May 2022]
[May 2022]
[Sept 2021]
[May 2021]
[Nov 2020]
[March 2020]
[Jan 2020]
[Jan 2020]
[Jan 2020]
ongoing prose projects
- Diary of a star-bound interrailer Best viewed via desktop
prose projects by date posted
- The sterile woman
[Jan 2020]
you find yourself overcome with a feeling of uncanny familiarity, as though you know there should be something here, but aren't quite sure what.